Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Style Hunting: Leeds Festival

ahh Leeds, you were a tough cookie when it came to finding some fashion gems in between the dirt, grime, mud and mosh pits....but here are a few of my favourites i snapped:

Denim shorts were the order or the day (and entire festival....) This uber cute festival lady caught my eye by teaming her vintage waisted pair with mock suspender tights and cute brogues. Added twist and shout came from a granny style florals shirt and cute scarf wrapped in her hair - camper for sure ;)

Although flowerpower head bands were totally overkilled (and seriously overpriced...) I loved how this chick mixed hers with hard edgy boots and a faux fur leopard print jacket yet still looked feminine.

"na na na na na na na na na na . doo doo doo doo doo doo" I just had to snap this one. He was just so excited for blink it made me happy.

Surprisingly, not many skinny jeans were paraded all wkend, guessing thats more of a Reading thing?? This guy had a cute pair though and a cute baldy man on his tee...so a snap was required.

Refreshing to see a change from ugly green wellies to cute little boots being on show over the wkend, especially these ones teamed with little lace ankle socks. Plenty of lace also on show = plenty of lace clothing which almost certainly got abandoned by end of fest due to holes in them from too much mish-moshing....